Thursday, June 2, 2011

"God Bless America"!

We all see these words many places and here songs about it. But do we truelly know what the words even mean, are do we just read the words with no feelings. Because many people just say words and actually don't mean what they say, THINK about it. Really, we don't realize the words we speak sometimes. Do we say hurting words?...Do we speak before we think?....That is so True, because i'm guilty of that in the past. Do people truelly want to be Blessed?...Do people really know what being Blessed means?.....Because some people say they don't believe in God, and others say they believe in God and just say words. That is right!....People talk against others that say things about religious views. Our world today is seriously mixed up and really don't know what they want. I actually believe some people don't even know what True PEACE means. To know God and to truelly have Peace is to try to be Obedient to His Word. heard right!.....The Bible is God's Word and if we believe His Word and Obey His Word, we can truelly know Peace. Because Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and we can know the True Peace in Him. The world speaks of a different type of peace that is not Solid, there is no Strong Foundation in the worlds peace. Because the True Peace God intended for us to through each and every one of us. Because God designed us to know that Peace within ourselves. But we choose not to see those things within us, and we miss out on seeing the True Blessings. Because God did design us to Communicate with Him and in the Garden of Eve it was True Beauty. Adam and Eve were walking and talking in the garden with God , and they had a Special Connection with the Almighty. But they chose to go there on way and went a different direction and there path was connected to the GPS. G: God's P:Personal S: Solution. They listened to another voice and that voice was from another world and it was the wrong Plugin Source. They were plugged in to a source that was not from the True Kingdom. The kingdom they chose was very selfish and full of pride and was part of a kingdom that was disconnected to the Right Source. And we all know that that choice was a very wrong choice and we have to pay for that bad decision. If we get connected to the Right Source and Obey God, we would all be Truelly Blessed. But we fail God and disobey Him and choose selfish ways and wonder what has happened. Well, we can change our ways and go in the Right Direction. But it is our choice and we can do it, if we all join together as a Family and Unite. If we would have One Unity in our Heavenly Father and Draw Close to Him, we would have a Blessed America. I know there are many that will be against what i shared and i Pray that the scales that the enemy has placed on their eyes would be removed. Because if would see the Vision that God really has for us, we would see for more than what Martin Luther King dreamed about. That is right!...Because with God there is no Race issues and there is no Hatred. You heard right!.....Hatred is Evil and God doesn't Tolerate such Foolishness. The Word of God says that we should not follow the Foolish things of this world. True Wisdom comes from God and His Word, not wisdom of men. So, let us come together in God's Love and join in our beliefs for Unity. Let us stand on a Strong Foundation and not let the Wolf huff and puff and blow our house down, there are some of us that have our house built on sand and will fall. Let us be Built on the Rock!....The Body of Christ was meant to be Established and Managed as True Believers. We can all know The Promise Land!...I believe America could be a part of that Promised Land, but we first must know God's Promises.

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